Develop essential skills

Rehearsal for Life is our programme of drama-based workshops that helps develops essential skills for life.

Led by experienced facilitators, students take part in drama games and creative activities that help them explore real-life situations.

About our approach:

  • Encourages collaboration, communication and creative thinking
  • Utilises tools and techniques that have real-world application
  • No drama or artistic experience is required

We create a safe environment for personal expression and the opportunity to develop confidence, communication and interpersonal skills.

This programme is particularly aimed at supporting young people who are not in mainstream education, however it can be suitable for any group that would benefit from the chance to get out from behind a desk and work practically.

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"The Roundhouse provides a space where students feel safe to express their emotions, whilst also developing the skills to be able to understand both the feelings and body language of others. Thus as a result, the Roundhouse have truly helped students to develop important fundamental social skills. One student stated that she looked forward to the Roundhouse sessions the most of all her interventions, as it was the most fun and the teachers that delivered the programme were really patient. Since reintegrating back to school, she has been far more calm and explained she feels this has come from her being more confident in understanding and empathising with how others are feeling."
— Teacher at CRIB

Sign up

Want us to run Rehearsal For Life for your students? Submit an activity request form to find out more. Or you can join our Teachers’ Network mailing list to stay up to date with the latest news and opportunities from our education programme.

We can offer creative learning workshops, assemblies, events and tours of the Roundhouse.

Our Education programme is designed to offer creative opportunities to school, alternative provision and further education college students within Camden, its surrounding boroughs, and across London. All of our programme is for young people aged 11+.

Our offer is divided into five key strands of work:

  • Creative Futures – creative careers assemblies and in-person sessions. 
  • Roundhouse Jam – experiential creative workshops for learning disabled students.
  • Rehearsal for Life – in-depth partnership work for marginalised young people.
  • Creative Opportunities – bespoke arts projects for students who attend state-funded secondary schools in Camden.
  • Education Sector Development – support and CPD for teachers and education providers. 

We also offer:
Tours of our Paul Hamlin Studios – the opportunity for schools and college groups to see our unique facilities.

Request a visit or session

Join our Teachers' Network and stay up to date with new projects and opportunities.

Benefits include:

  • Access to CPD materials and opportunities
  • Discounted tickets to shows and events
  • Access to advice from industry leading creative professionals
  • The chance to share knowledge and discuss creative challenges with Roundhouse staff.
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